AI (1) art (5) blog (1) chaingun (2) corvette (1) damage (4) design (4) dogfight (11) epsilon (2) fighter (6) game-design (3) gm (2) product (16) radar (3) stations (3) story (1) technology (7) thruster (2) vlog (1) weapons (4)

 AI (1)

Working on simple AI commands

 art (5)

Concept art for corvette class ship
New Main Screen
Introducing the Dragonfly SF-22
Moving forward with concept art
Initial fighter concept art

 blog (1)


 chaingun (2)

Chaingun goes brrrt
Introducing the Chain gun

 corvette (1)

Concept art for corvette class ship

 damage (4)

We can break stuff now
Let there be thrusters
Designing a damage system
Moving to the second milestone

 design (4)

Radar Damage
Build your own station
First glance at the tactical radar
Engagement Circles

 dogfight (11)

Radar Damage
Introducing the Dragonfly SF-22
Moving forward with concept art
Initial fighter concept art
Dogfight Showcase
Chaingun goes brrrt
Introducing the Chain gun
First glance at the tactical radar
Engagement Circles
The space fighter dilemma
The first game design milestone

 epsilon (2)

Epsilon: A new hope
The Epsilon Saga

 fighter (6)

New Main Screen
Introducing the Dragonfly SF-22
We can break stuff now
Let there be thrusters
Moving forward with concept art
Initial fighter concept art

 game-design (3)

Designing a damage system
Moving to the second milestone
The first game design milestone

 gm (2)

Working on simple AI commands
Basic GM Screen

 product (16)

Radar Damage
Concept art for corvette class ship
Introducing the Dragonfly SF-22
Moving forward with concept art
Basic GM Screen
Initial fighter concept art
Designing a damage system
Moving to the second milestone
Dogfight Showcase
Build your own station
Introducing the Chain gun
Engagement Circles
The space fighter dilemma
The first game design milestone
Epsilon: A new hope
The Epsilon Saga

 radar (3)

Dogfight Showcase
Build your own station
First glance at the tactical radar

 stations (3)

Basic GM Screen
Dogfight Showcase
Build your own station

 story (1)

The Epsilon Saga

 technology (7)

Working on simple AI commands
We can break stuff now
Let there be thrusters
Epsilon: A new hope
Wiring 3D to the game logic
First 3D view
The Epsilon Saga

 thruster (2)

We can break stuff now
Let there be thrusters

 vlog (1)

Dogfight Showcase

 weapons (4)

Dogfight Showcase
Chaingun goes brrrt
Introducing the Chain gun
Engagement Circles